
The independent blog on spectrum policy issues
that welcomes your input on the key policy issues of the day.

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FCC Requests Comment on IEEE-USA >95 GHz Petition


In a Halloween present to your blogger, FCC released the above PN asking for comment on the previously discussed IEEE-USA petition to expedite deliberations on technology >95 GHz in accordance with the terms of Section 7 of the Communications Act.

In an apparent clerical error they omitted either an RM number or a Docket number creating an ambiguity on how to actually file comments. A knowledgeable source says this happens sometimes and is normally corrected in a day or 2.

We look forward to seeing your comments.

vox populi, vox dei


FCC issued an erratum on November 1 and now this issue is docketed as ET Doc. 13-259.

By my calculation, comments are due December 2, 2013.

For those who do not do this often, the link for uploading a comment into this docket is at

Convert your comments to .pdf format before uploading to FCC
Remember to enter 13-259 in the first entry block labeled
Proceeding Number: qmark
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contact your blogger

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